Ok, so here’s the ultrasound video…hope you enjoy it. Also, wanted to let you know that some pictures of our trip to Savannah a few weekends back are located here and a few more are below the video…Happy Thanksgiving-Go Pack Go! Continue reading Ultrasound Video
Author: Ken
Giving Thanks
Almost a year and a half ago, Renee and I were completely blindsided while anticipating the birth of our next child-at a routine doctor appointment, we were told the baby did not have a heartbeat. After Renee went through two D&C’s to remove Brit, we both wrestled with how to grieve after such an unexpected and heartbreaking loss. In many ways, we’re still figuring that out…it’s been quite a journey for us and has been the most difficult year of our marriage. Even more difficult than the first year, and that included Renee locking me out on our 3rd floor apartment balcony! Continue reading Giving Thanks
Smokies, Halloween and Hospitals
Greetings, dear reader. Just a quick update here. I promised pictures from our trip to the Smokies and have finally delivered. A few weeks back, our great friends from Denver, Lief and Emily, came out for a long weekend and we drove up to Gatlinburg and rented a cabin for a few nights. It was great to spend some time with them and we had a fantastic time up in the Smokies.
Also, as you may or may not have been aware, Halloween has come and gone. While Jonathan didn’t go trick or treating, he did get all dressed up in his costume with his pal Katelyn and made every girl on campus go, “Awwww!” He loved having his costume on even though he was dripping with sweat.
Finally, we made a trip to the ER on Saturday after Renee spilled hot queso from Qdoba on her wrist. She only heated it up in the microwave for a minute. Fun times. For the record, she said it was more painful than childbirth. Either she’s not remembering things correctly or I had WAY too much sympathy for her after Jonathan was born. Anyway, here are the pictures (not of the nasty burn, but of other Fall activities). As always, you can check out the pictures we have up here by clicking on “Photos” on the top of the page.
Got Books?
?When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.? ~Desiderius Erasmus
I stumbled upon an intriguing website a few weeks back: LibraryThing.com. Basically, the website is social networking for book readers. After registering an account, you add all the books you own (or have ever read) into your catalog. Then LibraryThing can show you other users’ profiles who have the same books in their catalog. You can browse their catalog and see what they thought about the books you have read, or even get ideas for new books to read from like-minded readers. A pretty nifty concept that is extremely well done. Continue reading Got Books?
Toilet Training in Less than a Day
I’ve Been Tagged
So I’ve been tagged by Megan, which means I must do the following or risk her shunning me for the rest of my life.
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (if you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don?t forget to leave them a comment telling them they?re tagged, and to read their blog.
Continue reading I’ve Been Tagged
Updated Subscribe2 Widget – v.1.2
I apologize that it’s taken me so long to update the Subscribe2 Widget, but here it is and should be working with WP 2.2+ and Subscribe2 v.3+. As always, let me know if something goes awry.
Getting Settled
Well, again it has been much too long since our last update, and there has been much going on. At the beginning of August, the whole Residence Life staff here at the college was back to start training and preparing for the arrival of students. After a week of getting to know each other, planning RA training and learning more about the job, the RA’s showed up and we were off to Alabama for a weekend retreat. We were able to meet and get to know the 35 student leaders over the weekend and Jonathan was not wanting for people to play with him…he slept well every night. After the retreat it was time for a week-long intense training with the RA’s and preparing for the arrival of new students on August 17th.
A Brief Update
Hello friends,
I just wanted to say that I have every intention of sitting down and writing an update as to how our time down in TN/GA is going…however, we do not have internet access down at the place we are staying on campus until our apartment is finished. So, this will have to suffice for the next few weeks I’m afraid.
Upcoming news:
- Adjusting to life in the south
- Living with side-by-side toilets
- Ken’s new guitar
- Updates about Jonathan
- The new job!
- Ken’s Official Endorsements
Problems with WP 2.2.1
Hello all,
I’ve heard that the widget I made for the Email notification plugin is not working with WP 2.2.1. I’ve recently moved and am starting a new job and unfortunately don’t have time in the next few weeks to work on it. I’ll take a look at it as soon as I can and (hopefully) release a new version as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.