I’ve done a bit of minor tweaking to the Subscribe2 Widget-Hack–I really only changed some display problems, the main widget works just the same. The big news is that I finally figured out how to use the SVN repository at wordpress.org/extend/plugins. It’s just a big fancy way of keeping track of the different versions and it allows you to take advantage of the upgrade notification introduced in WordPress 2.3. Anyway, the newest version of the Subscribe2 Widget-Hack (1.2.1) is available here. Let me know if there are any questions.
Tag: widget
Updated Subscribe2 Widget – v.1.2
I apologize that it’s taken me so long to update the Subscribe2 Widget, but here it is and should be working with WP 2.2+ and Subscribe2 v.3+. As always, let me know if something goes awry.